Tips for choosing the right temperature in your washing machine and taking care of your clothes with Home Healthy Home products.
It seems to be a recurring doubt when starting your washing machine... And indeed if you want your clothes to last longer, the choice of the washing program and the temperature have a lot to do with obtaining an optimal result.
How do you know? all textiles can be washed at the same temperature, Fortunately, today's washing machines offer a wide range of programs and sometimes it is difficult to choose. Additionally, most of the electricity washing machines consume is used to heat water. Therefore, Correctly choosing the temperature of the wash cycle is essential to limit energy consumption. Thanks to new generation washing machines and adapted washing products, you can wash your clothes at a much lower temperature. But the temperature of the selected program does not depend only on electrical consumption, it must also be taken into account the type of clothes to be washed and their degree of dirt.
From Home Healthy Home we want to help you with some brief tips.
First of all, we recommend that you always read the labels where the manufacturer recommends what temperature you should wash the clothes at. Another important point, which we sometimes forget, is to classify your clothes by color, textile fiber or degree of dirt.
What temperature to choose?
These temperatures are sufficient to eliminate bad odors and stains caused by daily use. They are suitable for lightly soiled clothing, lingerie, very delicate clothing, cashmere or silk. Please note that delicate items require a mild detergent. No. 13 from the Home Healthy Home collection is formulated with organic olive oil, which nourishes the natural fibers and provides great softness. Plus you don't need fabric softener.
You must keep in mind that in cold wash cycles, the water is not heated, so the clothes are washed at the ambient water temperature, which may vary depending on the season of the year.
It is a temperature suitable for most colored textiles and clothing such as cotton, jeans, linen, viscose, wool, acrylic, nylon, polyester/cotton blends, cotton/viscose, etc.
This temperature is very effective and allows stains to be removed. It is enough to activate the natural ingredients contained in the detergent and to nourish the clothes. Warm water also prevents color fading and does not damage clothes that are washed very frequently.
It is the ideal temperature for dirty clothes and baby clothes, also for sheets, towels, kitchen towels, etc. Often very dirty so they need a higher temperature.
Washing at 60°C guarantees impeccable hygienic cleaning since bacteria, mites and fungi are only eliminated above 60°C. Recommended if you have someone sick at home. Important, at this temperature Always wash whites and dark colors separately.
It is used very occasionally and is mainly used for white cotton or linen clothes with very embedded dirt. or, that they can accumulate many bacteria.
Which detergent is the most suitable?
At Home Healthy Home we work our formulas with natural and biodegradable ingredients so that they are activated in low temperatures and in this way we can save energy, while taking care of your clothes, your skin and our planet.
We advise you our laundry soap No. 11 to leave a light touch of Lavender. It is an ideal soap for all types of clothing, especially for bedding and towels.
Use soap No. 12 if you have sensitive skin and do not want any type of perfume. This soap is perfect for taking care of baby clothes
As we have already talked about before, if you need to wash very delicate or natural fiber garments, we recommend our laundry soap No. 13. Ideal for nourishing and cleaning deeply due to its formulation with olive oil.
If you have to wash your sports clothing or if it is synthetic clothing, we advise you to use our detergent No. 14. Fights embedded bad odors
And if you prefer a powder detergent, our No. 2 laundry soap is 100% natural and fragrance-free. Made following our grandmothers' recipes with only 3 ingredients: Castile soap, sodium carbonate and baking soda.
Finally; a tip so that your clothes always look perfect. Use our Oxygen Booster Nº4 to remove the most stubborn stains from fabrics. Its great disinfectant power and its natural and biodegradable formulation will return the luminosity and whiteness of the first day to your clothes. Remember not to use it on wool, cashmere and silk.